Saturday, August 26, 2006

hi everyone!
sorry it has been so long, i didn't mean to leave you all hanging. Well here we are in China! The flight was fantastic, smooth great service magzines and new release films for me, r laughing at the office and z sedated by endless wiggles and bannanas.
We are in Beijing now and the olympic buzz is already in the air, lots of building going on everywhere. Yesterday was filled with grand and truely chinese architecture, the oldness of the forbidden city juxtaposed to the bleek modern but equally impressive taineman square.
Today was the great wall and boy was it great.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The countdown is on. Two more sleeps and we are away!
The weekend was full to the brim, with a wedding, a bux night, play dates, book festivals, catch-ups, toasts, packing, eating and many good byes.

We have after much deliberation decided to retain our original itinerary and go to Israel for the weddings.
With the cease fire it now seems safe and we are excited to have made a decision finally.
Some will be happy with this plan and it will make others a bit anxious.
here we go....

Friday, August 18, 2006

Hi there! This is our first post as I learn to master this blogging thing. We are leaving in a few days for our big trip. We, that is a mummy, a daddy and a wee little one are about to go on an adventure for three months. So feel free to look at this site and live vicariously through us.

First stop is Shanghai. I have been running around doing last minute things, collecting exciting toys to make an activity bag to entertain a three year old in a confined space. Yesterday I bought a fantastic magnetic mix it up face creator. It has a retro feel and should hold zar zar's attention for a little while. Add it to my bag of tricks.

I still have about a million things to do before we go so bye for now....