Hi there! This is our first post as I learn to master this blogging thing. We are leaving in a few days for our big trip. We, that is a mummy, a daddy and a wee little one are about to go on an adventure for three months. So feel free to look at this site and live vicariously through us.
First stop is Shanghai. I have been running around doing last minute things, collecting exciting toys to make an activity bag to entertain a three year old in a confined space. Yesterday I bought a fantastic magnetic mix it up face creator. It has a retro feel and should hold zar zar's attention for a little while. Add it to my bag of tricks.
I still have about a million things to do before we go so bye for now....
hope you are travelling well! and also, that the aeroplane kiddie packs entertained all three of you for a good portion of the flight. I worked quite hard on some of them!!!
looking forward to the next update :)
- guy b
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